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What Is Composite Bonding ?

Composite bonding is a cosmetic dental treatment that uses thin layers of tooth coloured composite resin to improve the appearance of your teeth. The composite resin is placed over the surface of the tooth to fill cracks, repair broken teeth, fill gaps and improve discoloured teeth.

How does composite bonding work ?

The tooth enamel is gently cleaned with a weak acidic gel to prepare the surface before the bonding agent is placed. The composite bonding resin material is then applied in small amounts to the tooth in different shades to build up the right colour and contour of the tooth.  A UV light is then used to harden and set the material. The material is then polished and the shape refined.

How long does composite bonding last ?

Due to the material of the composite bond being softer than you natural teeth they need to be maintained well and are more prone to discolouration.  We have our composite maintenance treatment available to keep the composite as its best and advise this every 3 – 6 months. Typically, composite bonding cosmetically lasts around 3 to 5 years, but can be more depending on the aftercare.


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What are the benefits of composite bonding ?

There are multiple advantages to composite bonding for your teeth, including:-

  • Enhancing / restoring your tooth shape
  • No drilling of the tooth is necessary and therefor no injection is required.
  • Completed in one appointment.
  • Can change the shade of your teeth if composite veneers are used.
  • If composite is damaged can be repaired straight away in the chair.

Your questions about composite bonding answered

  • Should I whiten my teeth before or after composite bonding ?

    We would always advise teeth whitening is done prior to composite  bonding so that the new tooth shade can be achieved and then the composite bonding can be matched to this.

  • Can I whiten composite bonding ?

    Teeth whitening gel does not have an effect on composite however if you have had composite edge bonding then the natural tooth portion is still on show can be whitened to maintain shade and allow the bonding to continual match.

    If you have had composite veneers these cannot be whitened.

  • Can composite bonding be done on lower teeth ?

    Composite bonding can be done on lower teeth in some cases. Your dentist will need to assess the amount of space available for the bonding. Sometimes composite veneers can be placed on lower teeth, but this will also require a thorough evaluation of your bite to ensure the composite veneers will function correctly.

  • How many teeth should I have treated ?

    The number of teeth to treat will depend on your aesthetic goals. We generally say at least a minimum of the upper 6 teeth to retain good symmetry and function. During your consultation photos will be taken from different angles to allow you to see which teeth are on display in different smiling and rest positions.

    We are able to guide you with the number of teeth to be treated from previous cases that have been treated within clinics.

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